Thursday, February 28, 2013

Pardon Me,

The Grey Poupon trademark phrase has made an official comeback nearly 25 years since it first aired. The relaunch of the commercial, which is strikingly similar to the original, stirred a lot of positive feedback from audiences during the Superbowl. And for good reason.

If advertising is entirely about generating likability, the makers of Grey Poupon do a damn good job. The commercial is simple and understated but still funny as hell. Who doesn't like someone that's able to laugh at themselves? It's the same idea that contributes to the success of this commercial. Grey Poupon is that curiously manicured, Upper West Side prep school p that you would definitely not want to hangout with... except he's fucking hilarious. That's the idea.

Grey Poupon has generated a likable and relevant persona that does not go out of style. It's the polo-playing Brit that every American loves to hate, and it's perfect. But of course.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ad Agencies Love the Shake

Shareen Pathak's writes Ad Age dated February 15th criticizes ad agencies getting in on this "played-out" meme as she laments, "Our only hope is that everyone is fully and truly getting the meme out of their systems. Shake it off people, please. We don't want to write about this ever again." 

A little bitter, don't you think?  

Though I sympathize with the inescapable frustration of played-out fads, like Uggs or any Maroon 5 song, Pathak has it wrong on this one. 

The Harlem Shake is viral because it is completely ridiculous. "Why is that guy humping a tricycle? In a leotard?..." Is a more common thought than you may think. Ad Agencies putting their own spin on this meme shows that they not only are in touch with what is permeating every social network, but that they get it. An account executive pole dancing with an astronaut helmet on says more than just "I have marital issues."  

In a time in our culture defined by idolatry, materialism, apathy and disparity; why wouldn't you dance like a complete idiot? Seems, to me, at least, that there isn't much to lose. 

Pathak needs to lighten up a bit. Maybe she should try the shake every once in awhile; couldn't hurt, right?  


Pathak's article: